The STEAM Ahead - Summer Learning Academy @The Sarah Greenwood School is a free, 5-week, dual-language (Spanish), extended day, summer program for Boston Public School students. Students will explore Science, Technology, Computer Science, Coding, Robotics, Sports, Health & Wellness Activities, Field Trips, and more! This dual-language (Spanish), enrichment program will be held at the Sarah Greenwood School in Dorchester (close to Franklin Park Zoo & Grove Hall). Our students will be given the opportunity to explore all aspects of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) through a variety of fun activities and hands-on, real-world related projects. This program will provide students with breakfast, lunch and a snack. Our program times are from 9AM-4PM and transportation may be available for students - please visit our website for the latest program updates -
Grades Served: 2021-2022 School Year Grades 4-5; 2022-2023 School Year Grades 5-6
Program Contact: Alix Holder
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